Tuesday, July 15, 2008

beer talk: taras bouba

right, so, the first couple of times i had this beer, i was all, 'what's the deal with taras boulba? everyone is talking all kinds of wonder about it, i don't get it.' i don't know what was wrong with me. maybe i'd ruined my tastebuds temporarily on big beers? i'm not sure. i've since done a complete one eighty on this guy, with the locable barrel holding father throwing a barrel at his son for marrying a jew. true story. there's a film with the same name.

so, this is a low alchohol belgian that really you can't find anywhere unless you are maybe having a deal with dan shelton of the shelton brothers where you go to his house and clean the place up and maybe on occasion throw in a hand job or something like that. it has a slight bitter smell, maybe there's some wood in there? or vinegar? or maybe i'm just making up smells to sound like i know what i'm talking about.

the taste is something else. it's really light and smooth, but with a big hop bite on the front. but not in the way you normally think of it, because most joe beer fags like myself probably associate big hops with big abvs. this is a much crisper kind of hop taste to it; it's like maybe you're trying to feature hops in a way which is not overpowering. and, like i said, it's low abv, so you could sit around and drink it all day if you could find someplace that won't charge you a billion dollars for a bottle.

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