Tuesday, June 17, 2008

beer talk: lion stout

so, since i was down in the area of a big package store, i figure hey, let's go get some fancy beers that maybe i haven't had before. so, i'm wandering around, wind up at the single bottle cooler, and find among the high life and michelobe ultra a bottle of lion. it is apparently from sri lanka, which i didn't know had any breweries, but welp, there you go. there is a quote from 'the beer hunter' on the back, which conjured up images of some dude on safari riding around on an elephant to get to some remote microbrewery, but i looked the dude up and apparently he revolutionized beer journalism and died last year, so now i feel like kind of a schmuck.

so, although not labeled as such, i'm pretty sure 8% abv puts you in the imperial range, but you would never know by having it. it's actually a very mild sweet stout, a little bit of acidity to it, with some coffeeish taste on the back. the few sips i had cold were alright, but my bag lady neighbor came over to talk to me for a half hour and when i came back and it had warmed up a little bit, it tasted much better. it's bottle conditioned, so watch out for sediment in the bottom, but i assume as a result it would probably age well.

so, i would say this gets a pretty good recommendation. you should get a bottle, maybe, if you like the sweet stouts. i'm gonna go put the bottle on top of my fridge now.


Chad said...

The beer hunter...was he the dude who had Michael J Fox disease? Or is that another beer legend who died recently?

Sounds like a good beer, ratebeer was pretty fond of it too!

JAS said...
